How do Bidets Save on Toilet Paper?


The Rising Popularity of Bidets

In recent years, bidets have been gaining popularity across the globe as more people become conscious of their environmental impact and seek sustainable alternatives to everyday products. The bathroom, a space we use daily, is one area ripe for a green makeover. Among the various eco-friendly solutions, bidets stand out for their potential to drastically reduce toilet paper consumption.

Environmental Concerns and the Shift Towards Sustainable Solutions

With growing concerns about deforestation, water consumption, and carbon emissions linked to toilet paper production, many are asking: how can we reduce our environmental footprint? The answer may lie in an unexpected place—the bidet. In this article, we’ll explore how bidets save on toilet paper and why making the switch could be beneficial for both the planet and your wallet.

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Understanding What a Bidet Is

The History of Bidets

The bidet, originating in France in the 17th century, was initially a luxury item used by the aristocracy for personal hygiene. Over time, it has evolved from a simple washbasin to a sophisticated fixture found in bathrooms worldwide.

Modern Bidets and Their Features

Today's bidets come equipped with a range of features, including adjustable water pressure, temperature control, air dryers, and even deodorizers. These advancements make the modern bidet a practical and comfortable alternative to toilet paper.

Types of Bidets: Standalone vs. Attachments

There are two main types of bidets: standalone units and attachments. Standalone bidets are separate fixtures, while attachments are designed to be installed on your existing toilet. Both offer significant benefits in reducing toilet paper usage.

How Bidets Work

The Mechanics of a Bidet

A bidet works by spraying a stream of water to clean your nether regions after using the toilet. The water pressure and angle can typically be adjusted to suit individual preferences, providing a thorough and refreshing cleanse.

Using a Bidet: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Position Yourself Properly: Sit or squat over the bidet, depending on the type.
  2. Activate the Water Spray: Adjust the water pressure and temperature to your liking.
  3. Cleanse: Allow the water to do the work of cleaning, moving your body slightly if needed.
  4. Dry Off: Use the air dryer if your bidet has one, or a small amount of toilet paper or a towel to pat dry.

Common Misconceptions About Bidets

Many people mistakenly believe that bidets are unsanitary or difficult to use. In reality, bidets are highly effective at cleaning and often more hygienic than toilet paper, which can leave behind residue.

The Environmental Impact of Toilet Paper

How Much Toilet Paper Do We Really Use?

The average American uses approximately 141 rolls of toilet paper each year, contributing to the massive global demand for this product. This usage is not only costly but also environmentally damaging.

Deforestation and Water Consumption

Toilet paper production is a major driver of deforestation, especially in countries like Canada and Brazil. Additionally, producing a single roll of toilet paper requires about 37 gallons of water, contributing to significant water waste.

The Carbon Footprint of Toilet Paper Production

The process of manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of toilet paper generates a considerable carbon footprint. By reducing toilet paper usage, bidets can play a role in lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Bidets and Toilet Paper Savings

How Bidets Reduce Toilet Paper Usage

Bidets can reduce your toilet paper usage by up to 75% or more. Since the water from the bidet does most of the cleaning, you only need a small amount of toilet paper—or none at all—for drying.

Calculating Your Savings: How Much Toilet Paper You Can Save with a Bidet

Switching to a bidet can save the average person around 100 rolls of toilet paper each year. For a family of four, that’s approximately 400 rolls annually, translating into significant savings both environmentally and financially.

Long-Term Financial Benefits of Using a Bidet

While a bidet may require an upfront investment, the long-term savings on toilet paper can quickly offset this cost. Over time, a bidet can pay for itself, leaving you with more money in your pocket.

The Health Benefits of Bidets

Bidets vs. Toilet Paper: Which is Healthier?

Bidets offer a more hygienic and thorough cleaning compared to toilet paper. This can reduce the risk of infections, hemorrhoids, and other health issues associated with inadequate cleaning.

Preventing Irritation and Infections

Toilet paper can cause irritation, especially for individuals with sensitive skin or conditions like hemorrhoids. Bidets provide a gentle, soothing cleanse that can help prevent irritation and promote better hygiene.

Bidets for Sensitive Skin and Medical Conditions

For those with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or postpartum recovery, bidets can be particularly beneficial. The gentle water spray reduces the need for harsh wiping, making the bathroom experience more comfortable.

The Economic Benefits of Using a Bidet

Cost Comparison: Bidets vs. Toilet Paper Over Time

When comparing the cost of toilet paper over several years to the one-time investment in a bidet, the bidet emerges as the more economical choice. As toilet paper prices continue to rise, the cost savings from a bidet become even more significant.

Return on Investment: How Long Before a Bidet Pays for Itself?

Depending on the type of bidet you choose and your current toilet paper usage, a bidet can pay for itself in as little as one to two years. After that, all the savings go directly to you.

Hidden Costs of Toilet Paper Dependency

Beyond the cost of purchasing toilet paper, there are hidden costs, such as the environmental damage caused by deforestation and the energy used in production. Bidets help mitigate these hidden costs.

The Global Perspective on Bidet Usage

Bidet Usage Around the World

Bidets are common in many parts of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. In Japan, for example, over 80% of households have a bidet, reflecting the widespread acceptance of this eco-friendly technology.

Why Some Countries Prefer Bidets Over Toilet Paper

Cultural practices and environmental awareness have driven the adoption of bidets in many countries. In contrast, the reliance on toilet paper in other regions is often due to habit and a lack of awareness about the benefits of bidets.

Overcoming the Stigma of Bidets

Why Bidets Haven’t Caught On in Some Regions

In some regions, bidets are still seen as a luxury or a strange novelty. This stigma, coupled with a lack of exposure, has hindered the widespread adoption of bidets.

Addressing Common Concerns and Misunderstandings

Common concerns about bidets, such as installation complexity or water temperature, are easily addressed with modern designs. Educating the public about the benefits and ease of use can help overcome these barriers.

Making the Switch to a Bidet

How to Choose the Right Bidet for Your Needs

When choosing a bidet, consider factors like your bathroom space, budget, and desired features. Whether you opt for a standalone unit or an attachment, there’s a bidet out there that suits your needs.

Installing a Bidet: What You Need to Know

Installing a bidet can be a straightforward process, especially with attachment models. Many modern bidets come with easy-to-follow instructions and require minimal plumbing work.

Tips for First-Time Bidet Users

If you’re new to bidets, start with a model that offers adjustable settings. Take your time to find the water pressure and temperature that works best for you. With a little practice, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one.


Bidets are not just a luxury item—they’re a practical, eco-friendly alternative to toilet paper that offers significant savings, health benefits, and environmental protection. By making the switch to a bidet, you can reduce your toilet paper usage, save money, and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Do I still need to use some toilet paper with a bidet?

While many people use a small amount of toilet paper to dry off, some bidets come with air dryers, eliminating the need for toilet paper altogether.

Are bidets difficult to install?

Most bidet attachments are easy to install and require minimal tools or plumbing knowledge. Standalone bidets may require professional installation.

Can bidets really help with sensitive skin?

Yes, bidets are gentler on the skin compared to toilet paper, making them an excellent choice for individuals with sensitive skin or certain medical conditions.

Is using a bidet more hygienic than toilet paper?

Bidets provide a more thorough clean than toilet paper, reducing the risk of infections and promoting better hygiene.

How much water does a bidet use?

Bidets use about one-eighth of a gallon per use, which is significantly less than the water required to produce a single roll of toilet paper.