Do You Wipe After Using a Bidet? Guide to Bidet Usage


The bidet—a seemingly simple bathroom fixture—is becoming increasingly popular around the globe, especially in places where it wasn’t traditionally used. But with its rise in popularity, a lot of people are left with one burning question: Do you wipe after using a bidet? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of bidets, explore their benefits, and uncover the best practices for using them. Let’s get started!

inus korean smart bidet toilet seat

What Is a Bidet and How Does It Work?

Before we jump into the specifics of whether or not you should wipe after using a bidet, let’s first understand what a bidet is and how it works.

A Brief History of the Bidet

The bidet originated in France in the 17th century and was initially a luxury item for the upper class. Over time, it spread throughout Europe and Asia, becoming a common household fixture in many countries. Today, modern bidets come in various forms, from standalone units to attachments that can be easily installed on an existing toilet.

How Does a Bidet Function?

A bidet is essentially a plumbing fixture designed to cleanse your genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus after using the toilet. It uses a gentle stream of water to wash away any residual waste, providing a cleaner and more hygienic experience compared to traditional toilet paper.

Why Use a Bidet? The Benefits Explained

So, why use a bidet in the first place? Here are some compelling reasons:

1. Better Hygiene

Bidets offer a more thorough cleansing compared to toilet paper. Water is effective at removing bacteria and fecal matter, reducing the risk of infections and irritation.

2. Environmentally Friendly

Using a bidet reduces the need for toilet paper, which in turn decreases deforestation and water consumption associated with its production. It’s a small change that can have a big environmental impact.

3. Cost-Effective Over Time

Although installing a bidet might seem like an upfront investment, it can save money in the long run by reducing the need to constantly purchase toilet paper.

4. Comfortable and Soothing

For individuals with certain medical conditions, such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures, bidets provide a gentler and less abrasive cleaning method than toilet paper.

Do You Need to Wipe After Using a Bidet?

Now, onto the big question: Do you wipe after using a bidet? The answer is—it depends.

1. The Type of Bidet You’re Using Matters

There are different types of bidets, and how you use them may affect whether you need to wipe afterward.

  • Standalone Bidets: Typically found in European bathrooms, these require users to straddle the fixture and use their hands for cleaning. In this case, a small towel or toilet paper might be used for drying after washing.
  • Bidet Attachments and Seats: These are common in Asia and North America. They are installed on an existing toilet and often have built-in dryers, so no wiping is necessary. However, some people prefer to pat dry with a small amount of toilet paper or a reusable towel.

2. Personal Preference Plays a Role

Some people prefer to use a small amount of toilet paper to dry off after using a bidet, while others are comfortable air drying or using a built-in dryer. It’s really up to what feels most comfortable and hygienic for you.

3. Situational Factors

If you’re in a public restroom with a bidet, you might feel more comfortable using a small amount of toilet paper to ensure you’re completely dry. At home, you might opt for a more eco-friendly approach by using a reusable towel.

How to Properly Use a Bidet

To maximize the benefits of using a bidet, it’s important to use it correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Do Your Business

First things first, use the toilet as you normally would. Once you’re done, remain seated.

Step 2: Position Yourself Correctly

If you're using a standalone bidet, straddle the fixture facing the controls. If it's an attachment or seat, simply stay seated and activate the bidet function.

Step 3: Adjust the Water Temperature and Pressure

Many modern bidets come with adjustable settings. Start with a lower pressure setting and adjust the temperature to a comfortable level. Be gentle at first to see what feels best for you.

Step 4: Clean Thoroughly

Allow the water to wash over the area that needs cleaning. Some bidets have oscillating nozzles that provide a more thorough clean.

Step 5: Dry Off

If your bidet has a built-in dryer, you can use it to air dry. Otherwise, use a small amount of toilet paper or a dedicated towel to pat yourself dry.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Bidet

Using a bidet is pretty straightforward, but here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Not Adjusting the Water Pressure Properly

High water pressure can be uncomfortable or even cause injury. Always start with a gentle setting.

2. Using Too Much Toilet Paper

If you’re trying to be eco-friendly, avoid using large amounts of toilet paper to dry off. A little goes a long way.

3. Not Cleaning the Bidet Regularly

Bidets need to be cleaned regularly to maintain hygiene. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.

The Eco-Friendly Choice: How Bidets Save Water and Trees

We’ve touched on it briefly, but let’s dive deeper into why bidets are a more sustainable choice.

1. Reducing Toilet Paper Usage

Did you know that Americans use approximately 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper every year? That’s a lot of trees! Bidets significantly cut down on this usage.

2. Saving Water in the Long Run

While it might seem counterintuitive, bidets actually save water. The production of toilet paper requires a large amount of water, whereas bidets use significantly less per use.

Health Benefits: Why Doctors Recommend Bidets

Using a bidet isn’t just about comfort and sustainability; there are also several health benefits:

1. Reduces Risk of Hemorrhoids and UTIs

Bidets can help alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and reduce the risk of urinary tract infections by providing a gentle, thorough clean.

2. Beneficial for Seniors and Individuals with Mobility Issues

For those with limited mobility, using a bidet can be a game-changer, providing a more comfortable and less strenuous way to maintain personal hygiene.

Conclusion: To Wipe or Not to Wipe?

So, do you wipe after using a bidet? The answer ultimately depends on personal preference, the type of bidet you’re using, and the situation you’re in. Bidets offer a multitude of benefits, from improved hygiene to environmental conservation, and they are an excellent addition to any bathroom.


1. Can using a bidet completely replace toilet paper?
Yes, especially if your bidet has a built-in dryer or you’re comfortable air drying. However, some people prefer to use a small amount of toilet paper or a towel to pat dry.

2. Is a bidet more sanitary than toilet paper?
Absolutely! Water provides a more thorough clean than toilet paper, which can leave residue and isn’t as effective at removing bacteria.

3. Can children use a bidet?
Yes, children can use a bidet with proper supervision and guidance on how to use it correctly.

4. Will a bidet fit in my bathroom?
Bidets come in various sizes and styles, including attachments that can be installed on your existing toilet, making them accessible for most bathrooms.

5. Are there any downsides to using a bidet?
The main downside is the initial cost of installation. However, the long-term benefits and cost savings on toilet paper can outweigh this initial expense.